Carry It like Harry - Why a teal sweater is a must for a man's closet

Carry It like Harry - Why a teal sweater is a must for a man's closet

Carry It like Harry - Why a teal sweater is a must for a man's closet

Carry It like Harry - Why a teal sweater is a must for a man's closet


Why a teal sweater?

Men tend to stick to certain colours for their basics of trousers, shirts and jackets. You have on the one hand, metallic colours like black, grey and blue, on the other hand earthy colours like beige, brown and dark green.

When we men are wearing the metallic basics, we need to rely on a few accessories to showcase our personality to stand out in the crowd: this could be socks, ties or sweaters.

In my case, I think sweaters bring out a man’s personality a lot when worn either on its own or under a formal or casual grey jacket.

Teal is one of my favorite colours. A teal sweater stands out against basics of black, grey and white. It is sort of blue yet a tiny touch of green in it makes it utterly striking.