Rare & Unusual, Recipes

Kana-tsai 橄榄菜

Literally translated as “olive vegetables”, one is often mistakenly informed that this Teochew specialty are “leaves of the Chinese relative of the olive tree”. In fact, kana-tsai is composed mainly of mustard leaves. Its history dates back to the Tang…

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Xiaojidunmogu 小鸡炖蘑菇: Braised chicken with forest mushrooms
Teochew Beef Horfun 潮汕湿炒牛河
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Xiaojidunmogu 小鸡炖蘑菇: Braised chicken with forest mushrooms
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Xiaojidunmogu 小鸡炖蘑菇: Braised chicken with forest mushrooms
Sam Lou Hor Fan 三捞河粉
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Xiaojidunmogu 小鸡炖蘑菇: Braised chicken with forest mushrooms
Sam Lou Hor Fan 三捞河粉
Recipes, Singaporean

Sup kambing

Contrary to popular beliefs, Sup Kambing is actually a Singaporean dish. Invented by the Muslim Indian community there, this soup has no equivalent in the Indian sub-continent, although all the spices used and the style of cooking originate from the…

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Xiaojidunmogu 小鸡炖蘑菇: Braised chicken with forest mushrooms
Sam Lou Hor Fan 三捞河粉
Indonesian, Rare & Unusual, Recipes


  Indonesian: tempeh Tempeh is not a relative of tofu, despite looking similar and is made from soy beans. It was developed independently in Java, Indonesia, and the whole production process differs significantly from tofu. Likewise, the taste and ways…

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Xiaojidunmogu 小鸡炖蘑菇: Braised chicken with forest mushrooms
Maitake 舞茸: The Anti-Carcinogenic Champion
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Xiaojidunmogu 小鸡炖蘑菇: Braised chicken with forest mushrooms
Sam Lou Hor Fan 三捞河粉
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Xiaojidunmogu 小鸡炖蘑菇: Braised chicken with forest mushrooms
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Chinese Hokkien/Min, Rare & Unusual, Recipes

White-spotted rabbitfish – “Bair Tor Hir”

  White-spotted rabbitfish –  “Bair Tor Hir” Scientific name: Siganus canaliculatus English: White-spotted rabbitfish, also known as “Spinefoot” Deutsch: Drachenfisch (Genus: Kaninchenfische) Nederlands: Draakvis (Familie: Konijnvissen) Français: Sigan pintade (Genre: Sigan) 中文: 长鰭篮子鱼, 俗称”臭肚鱼” 闽南话: 白肚鱼 pronounced in the Teochew…

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